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Thursday, April 7, 2011

I don't think I could honestly live

without a boy like the one in the background at the beginning of this.  You can turn it to mute.

Johnny Depp seems to be open to meeting interesting people, definitely.  He is probably lots of fun with his young girl fans who think he's so hot.  It makes me wonder people who aren't like me and don't want a boy like that.  I'm sure there's people like that out there, maybe from different cultures.  Even though I'm half Chinese-Indonesian and a little Native American, I have a little English and think that I look like that boy except more like everyone else as opposed to standing out in that way.  It just makes me uncomfortable.  What do people do with different kinds of husbands?  I realize they're great like the women.  Funny women depend on men in a certain way.

I feel uncomfortable because I used to like Johnny Depp as a person.  I don't think he's boring.  But, I don't wanna use him.  Same with Tim Burton.  He has a cute daughter with Helena Bonham Carter.  She was born when I became a fan around.  I think she was conceived when I started posting online.  Like at the same time.  But I dunno, maybe I'm too afraid to get into that and check my thinking.  About their son, he looks different in different pictures.  In some he has brown hair and others he has gray hair like I have.  I thought he was the cutest boy.  I wonder if he will turn out like the older boys I like.  It reminds me when we went up to my grandma's when I was 6 for Christmas, some girls working at McDonald's said I was cute or the cutest girl they met, though I don't think I could look cute at that time, not sure why, though I know my hair was cut to a bob with the bangs still but bangs a bit longer.  So, anyway, I really like Johnny as Willy Wonka.  He and Tim have made themselves so unavailable I just can't find myself happy with them alone anymore.  I mean unavailable in that they already have families and don't really spend much time about their fans.  I found myself retreating from life and just talking to my parents and people online to a degree.  They used to seem more open.

The reason I don't look like that boy is because I have blackheads, too.  I cover up with makeup and hope it goes away.  Sometimes I use pore strips.  I didn't look like him before because I used to believe in other ways of looking and because I was uncomfortable with my race and relating to others when it's not polite to talk about it, even if someone brings it up.

It's a matter of what's right and wrong.  Johnny Depp does in fact have a family and therefore is unavailable.  He should spend more time with them.  I think I'm a fun person to be around sometimes.  Who knows.  Maybe I'll see him one day.  That would be fun for me.  Johnny Depp does seem less open than Tim Burton, too.  I haven't seen much of Tim Burton online recently, neither.  I liked Tim from the very beginning but am beginning to feel different.  I think Helena Bonham Carter is very lucky.  That might not be a nice way to put it.  I think it's special I mean.  They go together so well.  I mean look at their daughter.  She takes good care of her son, too.  They always hold hands when they're outside.

If I didn't meet a boy like that nor like a Norwegian boy who's kinda cute, I don't think I'd ever think to get married.  I find that in some ways I'm very white and would fit in in Norway, mixed though.  I'm not worried and would be more interested in do we live where it's that cold.  I think it's not as cold as people think, though.

So, I still like Johnny Depp, but it's like he's waiting to drop the other shoe.  I like him as an actor and follow him around.  I like Tim Burton immensely and he reminds me of my past life.  I like art like him, too.  Tim Burton is very interesting to me if you were interested in my first 12 years of life.  I lived in east coast Florida then.  Being from Florida is what makes me interested in Johnny, as well, and plus someone who actually gets it like.  I'm not sure what they'd be like otherwise, but I guess they're the kind of people to live where they're from.  It's just addictive, Floridian or Californian heritage.  It's like being black.  I know what I like.  It's like why.  The area just feels cool to live in where there's no beach.  Where there's no beach, there are probably more flowers.

Okay, time to get ready for some carrot cake.  Num.

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